\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ R I F T N T R A I D S O F F I C I A L C H A N G E L O G \/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ------------ 6/1/16 ------------ Filled out some information on Lord Fionn, added NM kill video, added loot. This boss is far from complete. (Hep) All CoA bosses updated with at least some form of kill video. We tried to get a wide range of different groups. (Hep) ------------ 6/3/16 ------------ Those UI overhauls I promised? Yeah, they're being done now. Yay for weekends. (Sing) Added the Patch notes to the home page. (Sing) Added more websites to the resources page. (Sing) ------------ 6/5/16 ------------ Added more images to the home page slideshow. (Sing) Resized some pictures on the MoM IA guide because they were driving me CRAZY! (Sing) Yay more content! I added what I could off the top of my head about the golems past Fauxmire. (Sing) ------------ 6/6/16 ------------ Fixed Lord Eblius DPS numbers and some wording (Hep) Added some CoA loot tables - Hericius EZ Mode done (so much more to update but we're getting there) (Hep) ------------ 6/7/16 ------------ Completely revamped Lord Fionn. The guide might actually be helpful now. (Hep) ------------ 6/8/15 ------------ Added missing IGP drop. (Sing) Added some new names to the credit page. (Sing) Updated the Patch Notes & Decreased the font size (It was HUGE). (Sing) ------------ 6/9/15 ------------ Added a gearing stats page (Hep) Added a Gearing 101 page (Hep) ------------ 6/10/15 ------------ Corrected coloring issues on some scrolling arrows. (Sing) Reworked stats (Traum) ------------ 6/12/15 ------------ QoL changes to gearing, platinum and stats (Traum) Polished Fyragnos (Traum) Removed Patch Notes. and added them to the Quick Reference Section. (Sing) Added videos to the homepage and the useful resources tab. (Sing) Added Quick Links and Quick References to the homepage for slower computers. (Sing) Moved the social icons up a bit. (Sing) Fixed Some Spelling Errors. (Sing) Changed the Header. (Laeti) ------------ 6/13/16 ------------ Added comment boxes to all T3 content. (Hep) Resized an image under T3. (Sing) Fixed some formatting errors on the MoM IA Guide. (Sing) Added some missing images to the MoM IA Guide. (Sing) I updated the requirements for each tier. I included more specific gear requirements. (Sing) ------------ 6/14/15 ------------ Hericius got some love (Traum) Added the edits Epsiry advised for Hericius (Hep) Hep was trying to tell us robots are taking over in his gearing guide! Change "AI" to "IA". (Sing) Resized the Builds Section icons (Some were too small D:). (Sing) ------------ 6/16/15 ------------ Reformatted loot tables for all CoA bosses. (Hep) Edited IA Fauxmire. Now with 100% more purple pac-man! (Hep) ------------ 6/20/2015 ------------ Made minor changes to all CoA bosses from comments section. (Hep) Added Hard Mode loot to Lord Fionn. (Hep) Added links to the official Rift forums and rift subreddit. (Hep) Added all loot tables for Duke Eblius. (Hep) ------------ 6/21/16 ------------ Added Threngar's weapons to Crucia (Hep) Modified the header. (Trauum) ------------ 6/25/16 ------------ CoA 1-5 polishing (Traum) ------------ 6/27/2016 ------------ CoA 1-5 polishing (Hep) Added loot tables for Fyragnos EZ/NM (Hep)