\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ R I F T N T R A I D S O F F I C I A L C H A N G E L O G \/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ------------ 5/1/16 ------------ Fixed some formatting issues in Pillars Guide (Sing) Data gathered from PTS for upcoming changes. (Sing and Trauumm) ------------ 5/2/16 ------------ VERY rough Dark Genesis guide published (Sing) Moved T1 tanking trinkets from Finric to Drekanoth. Oops! ------------ 5/3/16 ------------ Moved some things around in our "Raiding in Rift" Section (Sing) MMO Terms to know published, and terms are still being added. (Sing) The maps on the "Raiding in Rift" section have been moved to their own page called "The Grand Atlas". (Sing) Added Soulrender Zilas' health, which will probably have to be re-updated soon. Added the double-pull and tank stacking options to Finric. ------------ 5/4/16 ------------ Updated Boss Information to reflect the 3.6#4 changes in IGP, HK, MS, RoF (Traum) Added loot tables for Inquisitor Garau and Inwar Darktide. Updated Fauxmire Photo with a personal photo. (Sing) ------------ 5/5/16 ------------ Updated Boss Information to reflect the 3.6#4 changes in MoM + slight changes to strategies/mechanics (Traum) Added loot table for Vladmal Prime and Grugonim (Only Akylios and Arisen Arak left) ------------ 5/6/15 ------------ Design changes to the builds section and scroll up arrow. (Sing) Added Rhazza'de Canyon Guide (Traum) ------------ 5/7/15 ------------ Reformatted the builds section (Traum) Added guides for all CoA bosses (some HM mechanics missing and not public yet) (Traum) Some pictures for MoM have been updated. (Sing) ------------ 5/8/15 ------------ Added Return to Iron Tombs Guide (Traum) Various images updated and added for several MoM bosses and others. (Sing) For those of you have issues with the navigation menu expanding in an annoying manner, you can now click on the titles "Tier 1", "Tier 2", and "Tier 3". There is a link to take you to a specific instance, and then a link to take you to different encounters. (Sing) ------------ 5/9/15 ------------ Added nerf notes for Drekanoth of Fate and Finric Hard Mode Added Arisen Arak guide with most of the gear. The guide is likely missing mechanics as this is a busy fight. Added guide for most MoM trash mobs. More to come (Noted with "Coming Soon"). ------------ 5/11/15 ------------ Added a link to Rift Bloguero who asked to translate these guides into Spanish. Hell yes you can! If anyone wants to translate them into French, German, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Klingon, whatever, more power to you. Just do us a solid and let us know, then toss us a link as the source somewhere on the site. Updated Arisen Arak guide with a plethora of changes Published a quick guide for the RoF trash mobs. No images are available yet. (Sing) ------------ 5/12/15 ------------ Edited Rogue builds (multiple changes) (Hep) Added Vulstrom to Primalist builds and linked to forum guide (Hep) Corrected some HP on T3 bosses Added off hand weapons to Dark Genesis (Hep) Made a note explaining that random loot drops randomly in HK. (Hep) Published the Intrepid Adventure: The Mind of Madness and created a section for Intrepid Adventures in the nagivation menu. ------------ 5/13/2015 ------------ Added a note for Viz that he has a broken mechanic in the IA (Hep) Updated the trash pull section for RoF (Hep) Added the introductory lore piece for CoA (Hep) Ungolok and Bulf have Hoverlinks to Magelo! (We're looking into which format looks best.) (Hep) Fixed loot table for Lady Justice. OOPS! (Hep) ------------ 5/14/16 ------------ Added images for some trash encounters in the Mind of Madness. (Sing) Fixed some MoM IA mechanics (Missing names and such). (Sing) Added the first images to the MoM IA guide. (Sing) Added the proper names for two of the CoA bosses and formatted the entire thing (Traum) ------------ 5/15/16 ------------ Added more objectives and mechanics to the Mind of Madness Intrepid Adventure. (Sing) Updated Bulf's healths to reflect recent changes. (Sing) ------------ 5/16/2016 ------------ Added Dark Genesis and a note on Arisen Arak to the MoM IA Guide (Hep) Did some section nesting to make the navigation cleaner. (Hep) Added mechanics for the Lady Envy trash mobs in the Trash Mob Encounters Section. (Sing) ------------ 5/17/16 ------------ Polished the Comet of Ahnket guides for publishing. They will go live on the site tomorrow (8:00am-10:00am). (Sing) Created a new page for useful links. All external links are currently there. (Sing) Chamberdown was moved to the Builds section. (Sing) The homepage was updated for the new T3.5 raid release. (Sing) ------------ 5/18/2016 ------------ WE'LL DO IT LIVE! Comet of Ahnket guides are now linked and available. (Sing) Added the commercial Comet of Ahnket trailer to the appropriate page. (Hep) Corrected the enrage timer for Fyragnos (Firebrodude). It's either 8:30 or 9 minutes. Thanks Sahtiaro! (Hep) ------------ 5/19/2016 ------------ Added Easy Mode healths for Azaphrentus and Lord Fionn. (Hep) Added vague loot tables for Duke Eblius, Fyragnos, Nightstalker Caelon and Azephrentus. (Hep) Corrected several things in the Nightstalker Caelon's guide. (Sing) ------------ 5/20/2016 ------------ Updated loot for all bosses but Lord Fionn. KEEL HIM!...and tell us what he drops...please? (Hep) ------------ 5/21/16 ------------ Updated Hericius' guide with EM experience, added images, and corrected the spelling of his name. (Sing) Updated more stuff with Hericius. Then some more tweaks. Added a video. Then more tweaks. (Hep) ------------ 5/22/2016 ------------ Updated even more stuff with Hericius. This dude is a su-uck to figure out for all three modes. (Hep) Added more links to the Resources Page. Added a new section as well. (Sing) ------------ 5/23/2016 ------------ Found some mistakes in CoA. I've murdered them. (Traum) ------------ 5/23/2016 ------------ Added Twitch and Youtube channel collection (Traum) ------------ 5/25/2016 ------------ Added Filri's hard mode Hericius kill and a note on the safe spot. (Hep) Added slideshow to Twitch and Youtube page (Trauum) ------------ 5/25/2016 ------------ Corrected all the CoA boss healths. EZ -> NM = 50%, NM -> HM = 32.1% (Roughly) (Hep) ------------ 5/29/16 ------------ We still exist. Just haven't had much to update lately. :) (Sing) Updated Image on the Glacial Maw Page. (Sing) ------------ 5/31/16 ------------ Updated several things within the MoM IA guide, including screenshots and some missing objectives/add names. There is a LOT of information to add here, so bear with us. (Sing) The slideshow on the Front Page now includes images from other raids. (Sing)